digital postcard gallery

ABOUT THIS PROJECT: Created by Leena Khan for FTVM 394. In April 2020 I moved to Seattle, Washington on my own to pursue medical treatment.
I'd describe the months of brain stimulation as no less than life-changing.
It made me more fortunate and able to pursue creativity and my own health. But, between summer classes, medical treatment, and isolation, I had few chances to go places or people to see.
I lived a block from an art museum, but one of the only art galleries I went to was the local drugstore's postcard section.
Postcards felt to be the direct opposite of the text messages I'd send every day.
They cost money to send each one.
They can get lost or delayed
They take days to arrive and to write back.
They always include a picture.
You have to remember someone's address to even get it to its destination.
They're far from efficient or convenient.

But I'd still buy them and tape them to my wall.
Here is my version of a collection of postacards and messages. All content is digitally cut + paste in photoshop from the digital version of the New Yorker, a print magazine.

select a photo to continue.